Did You Know 60K Votes Could Flip The State Of Wyoming?


Wyoming is the least populated u.S. State

It has a population of 560,000 people - roughly the same size as the city of Modesto, California. It also has 2 Senators, 1 House Rep, and 3 Electoral College votes, making Wyoming voters the most powerful voters in the entire United States. They are 5x more powerful than the U.S. average, and 30x more powerful than voters in California. Yet, Wyoming is ignored by both national parties: nobody campaigns here, nobody reaches out to Wyoming voters, and everyone writes off the results as a foregone conclusion.

We're going to change that.


WYOMING Is the Most Politically Valuable U.S. State per capita


Flipping Wyoming Would Change The United States Of America

It would help the Democrats retain control the U.S. Senate. It would remove a reliable Republican seat in the House. And it would pad the total on the path to 260 Electoral College votes in 2024. Simply put, there is no more politically valuable U.S. state per capita. The front line against the radical right-wing isn't in Washington D.C. - or even in the state of Washington - it's right here in Wyoming. Donald Trump doesn’t share Wyoming's values: he doesn't care about his neighbors, or think that folks should be able to do as they please as long as they're not hurting anyone else. And it sure seems like he has never put in a hard day's work in his whole life.

Wyoming can help turn the tide.


For a population equal to Modesto, CA

Wyoming Has:




U.S. Senators


U.S. House Rep


E.C. Votes


We're Going To Have Conversations With 60,000 Wyoming Voters


Our Plan is Pretty Simple:


Step 1: Identify Flippable Areas

Our first step is to look for two types of communities in Wyoming: those with low voter turnout rates but where we think voters would vote blue if they did go to the polls, and those with a higher propensity for vote-switching.

Wyoming voter turnout was only 58% in 2016.


Step 2: Create A Message for each area

By working with respected figures from each community and creating content specifically for each place, we will build the case for flipping Wyoming based on the actual needs of each individual Wyoming voter we talk to.  

Every message we put out will be unique & local.


Step 3: Use Social Media To Reach InDividuals

Using data and the latest tools & techniques of modern social marketing we will make sure our messages reach the exact voters we are hoping to talk to, and only those voters. We will help them take a journey that leads to making a different choice in 2018.

We will change 60k Wyoming minds.


Are you ready to Flip Wyoming?


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Are You A Wyoming Resident?

We've identified three actions you can take that will help bring real change to the politics of Wyoming: 1) pledge to register to vote so you can have a say in what happens in this state 2) pledge to leave the GOP if you're currently a Republican and send a message that they shouldn't ignore Wyoming and 3) pledge to vote for Dem candidates in November 2022.

We've built a special section of this site just for Wyoming folks - click the button below to head on over and check it out.